On Premesis Call Accounting E911 Alerts Traffic Analysis Inventory Management Contact Center

Avaya CM & CS1K

Genesis provides a complete management, reporting and alerting solution for your Avaya systems. Our solution, built on our decades of experience with Avaya telephone systems, have been designed to solve common issues and shortcomings with both the Avaya system and available management tools. Genesis's solutions have been designed from the ground-up to be easy to deploy and manage, provide critical system performance information, reduce the workload on telephone technicians, and simplify many otherwise tedious tasks.

Avaya PBX - CM and CS1000

Locating & Alerting on Emergency Calls

Finding emergency callers can be a challenge within large organizations with multiple large buildings, campuses, and especially in the case of having on-site, mobile and remote workers. The typical organization also uses several telephone technologies (Analog, Digital, H.323, and SIP), which requires taking different approaches for each technology, in parallel, on a per-phone-type basis.

Genesis's solutions have regularly been used by education institutions and government offices to identify when 911 or other emergency numbers are dialed in real-time, determine phone location, and provide alerts via overhead paging equipment, desktop-based pop-up alerts and other channels. Genesis's solutions connect to multiple different Avaya components to capture phone locations for all digital, H.323, SIP and analog phones and ensure alerts are not only immediate, but also have as much detail as possible.

Genesis's solutions are also used by many of these locations to extend alerts from other on-site safety hardware to a dedicated smartphone app, which provides not only a real-time alert, but also provide real-time multimedia chat communication, checklists, acknowledgement tracking, emergency responder guidance and other tools specific to the emergency.

Log and Analyze Calls, Bill-Back Tenants & Business Units

Most Government and public service organizations have requirements to log each incoming and outgoing call. Above these requirements, many hospitals, studios, and universities have a need for attributing telephone expenses back to tenants, departments, cost centers or other business units.

Genesis provides both comprehensive logging of every call-related event on Avaya voice platforms, but additionally provides easy, automated billing capabilities and allows telephone services staff to easily operate as services providers, and especially in the case of universities, to markup telephone changes, equipment and related costs to facilitate generating additional revenue and/or substantiating services provided and bills. Genesis can even provide information to third party billing systems, to automate the process entirely and provide a truly hands-off billing experience.

Determine Actual Telephone Line Requirements & Traffic Trends

A substantial portion of most larger organizations' voice-related costs come from PRIs and other trunking. These costs are often difficult to reduce, since it can be a challenge to determine exactly what's needed, if monthly services can be adjusted to better meet needs, and even how to objectively estimate your actual requirements.

Genesis' reporting is often used by public works, most of whom have unpredictable and dramatically changing call volumes on an hour-by-hour, daily and monthly basis. Genesis allows these organizations to analyze historical trends in order to estimate ongoing and future requirements, and ultimately plan for significantly changing call volumes due to extreme weather events, for example. Genesis' reports quantify what's required based on any time of day or during any type of event, giving users hard numbers based on detailed, real-world proven statistics and models.

Quantify Contact Center Performance, Complaints, and Optimize Staffing

On the other side of the voice equation, call taker and queue statistics are critically important in ensuring calls are being handled as efficiently and effectively as possible after they've entered your Avaya system. Public works and even resort Avaya users often hear feedback from their call takers when they simply can't keep up with the call volumes, and from customers who repeatedly abandon their calls, or express frustration to call takers when their calls are finally answered.

Genesis' solutions provide these organizations with in-depth real-time dashboards, and extensive historical trends capacity planning and metrics, to ensure issues are proactively detected when the contact center is starting to get busy and performance is degrading, and to additionally forecast staffing requirements based on history and trends.

Reduce Costs & Time Required to Make Changes to Telephone Sets

Avaya systems come with basic tools for making telephone set programming changes, adding new phones, and general administration. Often, these tools are either complicated, not user friendly for non-technical staff, or are missing key capabilities which would make administration significantly easier and quicker.

Genesis provides users of all abilities with simple, graphically-based telephone admin tools, allowing non-technical staff to take a larger role in managing changes. Adding capabilities which aren't otherwise possible with included tools, Genesis significantly reduces service calls and overall management complexity.